perjantai 25. toukokuuta 2012

About my trip!!!


Last time I wrote that soon I'll be going to the Greatest Journey of My Life. My friend Iiris and I will visit 10 cities in 9 countries and film the whole process. And I think I didn't write much more :D

I think it's time for details.

So the cities we will visit (not counting Helsinki, where we start and end our journey, or Riga, where our plane makes a stop), in a chronological order: 

We also visit towns of Oswiecim in Poland and Mont Saint-Michel in France, but they're short day trips. And we travel from Paris to London via small coast towns.
However, in those major cities we will spend 2-3 nights, whole trip taking about 24-28 days.

Like I implied, we will try to stay within a budget. It's not set in stone, but I think it will about 1000 euros. At the moment it seems close to impossible XD. Our plane trips cost about 170 euros. InterRail-ticket cost 260 euros. About 270 euros changed their currency. So, it's already 700 euros, and the trip hasn't even begun, oh my. Remaining 300 should cover our meals + public transportation for 16 days, entrance fees and a ferry trip. I think we won't to make it!

One BIG money saver is that we'll be couch surfing for the most of the trip. OK, we still lack over 50% of needed hosts and hopefully we get 'em soon enough, but still! We haven't couch surfed since never, so another new exciting experience.

That's all I can think of, for now. If you have questions, go ahead and ask them.


One of my favorite newer Bowie songs:

perjantai 4. toukokuuta 2012

About my recent projects and other stuff too


So, the end of my first school year of studying screenwriting and visual expression arrives in two weeks. Time has certainly flown quite fast. And it has been a good year. New friends, new skills, new experiences and so on.

Yesterday we finished filming our art history project. Our job was to re-create a piece of art history, but our group of five didn't find a suitably interesting picture to re-create, so we settled on an album cover from the ancient history of 1985.
I directed the film (again) and our team and I did a great job.
Unlike the short film which left something to be desired, "Windows" (as it's currently called) is probably the finest piece of work I've done during the school year. Which is excellent, because it shows I'm getting better and progressing.
Windows resembles story-wise my earlier film projects, and I joked about it being the epic conclusion of my "A Man Goes Crazy in a Small Room" -trilogy.
Next year I hope to do something completely different. Like "A Boy Finds Enlightenment While Fishing in Open Sea" -saga. Hopefully it and Windows will find their way to YouTube.

Exactly after a month, I'll be in Poland. There and in 9 other countries I will film a kind of traveling documentary with a friend of mine, Iiris. Unfortunately the trip begins just as I should be guiding applicants/future students of my subject, but you can't have everything.
I think our TravelDoc emphasizes two parts of the journey: First the cities we plan to visit and their unique history and atmosphere. Both of us realize that being a thousand year old city is most likely more exciting than being a 20 year old student, so we film stuff accordingly.
That being said, the other emphasis is on our journey. About 2 ordinary people traveling to 10 cities in 30 days with 800 euros. What it feels like to be a regular fellow and to travel to a new country almost every other day and to live with people of different cultures. And to do this with limited time and funds.
We're not professional travelers. And that's cool. Because neither are you.

More info about the journey and the TravelDoc will come soon, as the filming will begin just as soon as my school is over.


A new Dave Matthews song! Video is bad, but the audio track is the best I could find.