perjantai 25. toukokuuta 2012

About my trip!!!


Last time I wrote that soon I'll be going to the Greatest Journey of My Life. My friend Iiris and I will visit 10 cities in 9 countries and film the whole process. And I think I didn't write much more :D

I think it's time for details.

So the cities we will visit (not counting Helsinki, where we start and end our journey, or Riga, where our plane makes a stop), in a chronological order: 

We also visit towns of Oswiecim in Poland and Mont Saint-Michel in France, but they're short day trips. And we travel from Paris to London via small coast towns.
However, in those major cities we will spend 2-3 nights, whole trip taking about 24-28 days.

Like I implied, we will try to stay within a budget. It's not set in stone, but I think it will about 1000 euros. At the moment it seems close to impossible XD. Our plane trips cost about 170 euros. InterRail-ticket cost 260 euros. About 270 euros changed their currency. So, it's already 700 euros, and the trip hasn't even begun, oh my. Remaining 300 should cover our meals + public transportation for 16 days, entrance fees and a ferry trip. I think we won't to make it!

One BIG money saver is that we'll be couch surfing for the most of the trip. OK, we still lack over 50% of needed hosts and hopefully we get 'em soon enough, but still! We haven't couch surfed since never, so another new exciting experience.

That's all I can think of, for now. If you have questions, go ahead and ask them.


One of my favorite newer Bowie songs:

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