perjantai 23. syyskuuta 2011

About school

Hello there! 

Well. School truly started this week. Finally! Now we're getting our hands dirty! 
First, we have a deadline for our first scripts. It's two weeks from now! Thankfully, that's the deadline for a synopsis of the script and not for the finished product. My partner and I already have a basic idea to work with and to craft into a solid piece of script. Hard work ahead. 
The script will be rewritten several times and thoroughly criticized and only the best will be filmed. A not-so-slight pressure (for a first script in the school), but our careers afterwards are likely to mimic that. (Ok, yeah, sure, we did kind write script for our silent film, but it's a project for our "camera and lighting" -classes, not for our "dramaturgy and screenwriting" -classes, like this one. )
But that's fine.  

Teacher also laid out certain restrictions. Plenty of my ideas are outside of those rules. Rules like: 
* Only basic drama
* Characters of your age
* No weapons, blood, horror etc. 
* More than just dialog
* Doable with our resources (naturally!)
* Running time around five minutes
Basic drama sounds boresome, doesn't it? With minimal ambition and experimenting...! 
Rational rules nevertheless. Perhaps it's best like this. To write as basic story as possible, but still make it work. 
My pals and I are planning sort of film noir -film, and I would've liked to screenwrite that idea, but it won't unfortunately do. We're still doing it, but now it's during our free time.  
Earlier, we also planned of making this "poetry video" and enter into a competition with it, but it seems now that we won't meet the deadline. A shame. We had good ideas for it. 

More news! Yesterday we finished shooting our silent film, "Exodus"! Shooting took place over three days and lasted overall about seven hours. A lot, when considered that the finished work will last no more than 5 minutes. Things take time, and it's even more true when you do those things for the first time. Sure we messed up a bit, but there could've been a lot more confusion and chaos than there was. So, in the end, we did well. 
We were the first ones to finish filming, or to start it. Other groups have barely a script yet. I sure hope that doesn't mean that we were somehow too hasty and not careful and thorough enough. 
There's still editing left to do. My favorite part :). Other members of the group agreed to let me do the most part of it, and I shall start next week. 

As the length of this post grew and grew, I decided to split my text in half and release the other part about other stuff soon. 
So that's for now. Expect more in a few days. 


Have you heard? R.E.M. split up. I wasn't their #1 fan, but it's unfortunate nevertheless. But it's better to stop while you're still on the top. 
I listened this track a lot when I studied to my matriculation examinations and had the phrase
"Every day is new again, every day is yours to win. And that's how heroes are made" as my wallpaper at that time. It's kinda comforting. 

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